Silent Steel - Compact Streamer Black

Modell: SS-CS-BLK
Lagerstatus: -1
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The Compact Streamer is medium size rifle suppressor which can be equipped with either flow or baffle suppression unit. The suppression unit can be changed easily which makes the Streamer family suppressors most versatile suppressor on the market. Flow suppression unit is recommended for gas operated self loading rifles and baffle suppression unit for single shot bolt action rifles.

The suppressor caliber can be changed by changing the suppression unit. Flow suppression units are available in 5.56, 7.62 and 9.00 calibers. Baffle suppression units in 5.56 and 7.62.

Compact Streamer comes with either aluminum or stainless steel body. Aluminum body is suitable for PCC carbines, hunting rifles. Stainless steel body with flow suppression unit is full auto rated.

Flow suppression unit is made from 303 stainless steel and baffle suppression unit from 7075 aluminum and 303 stainless steel.

Technical Specifications:
Length: 150mm (added length when using QD: 93mm)
Diameter: 42mm
Weight: 270g (aluminum body + baffle suppression unit) 330g (aluminum body + flow suppression unit) 450g (stainless steel body + flow suppression unit)
Finishing: Aluminum body – black anodizing. Stainless steel body – Cerakote (Magpul FDE, Magpul OD Green, Armor Black)
Calibers available: Flow unit 5.56mm, 7.62mm and 9.00mm. Baffle unit 5.56mm and 7.62mm

Patented 2022

Suppressor is delivered with storage pouch (see the picture) and disassembly tool (Front Cap Key FCK).

Aluminum body is recommended only for 9.00mm PCC carbines and single shot rifles.

Measured sound pressure ** (LCPeak) next to shooter’s right ear:
Flow suppression unit:
AR15, 223 Remington,16″ barrel 142 dB.
AR15, 300BLK supersonic, 13″ barrel, 143 dB
AR15, 300BLK subsonic, 13″ barrel, 132 dB
CZ Scorpion Evo, 9mm, supersonic 133 dB
CZ Scorpion Evo, 9mm, subsonic 129 dB
Remington 700, 308 Win, 24” barrel, 135 dB
Heckler & Koch MR308, 16” barrel, 139 dB

Baffle suppression unit:
TC Contender, 223 Rem, 16″ barrel -29,29dB
Without suppressor, 1m from the barrel 167,25dB
With suppressor, 1m from the barrel 137,96dB
With suppressor, shooter’s left ear 129,1 dB

Remington 700, 308Win, 18″ barrel -26,95dB
Without suppressor, 1m from the barrel 166,6dB
With suppressor, 1m from the barrel 139,65dB
With suppressor, shooter’s left ear 133,95dB